Showstopper Mini Tree Mount STL


3D Printed mounting system for the EFL Showstopper Mini Tree. The mounts provide a frame structure increase strength and allow mounting to various surfaces and are designed to be zip tied to the coro. The mounts can be ordered in two styles, a basic mount or a mega mount. The basic mount consists of 4 mounts along the centerline of the tree that support a single piece of 3/4″ EMT conduit. The mega mount version adds on outrigger mounts that are primary designed to help stabilize the trees during ground installation as 1/2″ rebar can be driven into the ground and inserted inside of the EMT conduit. These outrigger mounts are sized for 1/2″ EMT conduit while the center mounts retain sizing for 3/4″ EMT conduit. Since the tree is 55″ tall, these mounts are not intended to be the sole support system. You will either need to attach the mounts to a solid structure like a fence post or porch column or use guy wires that are attached directly to the EMT. For ground installations 1/2″ rebar should be inserted at least 2′ into the ground and extend above the ground up to the mid mounts on the outriggers and at least half way up the tree along the center conduit.

Note: This is a digital purchase for STL files and not a physical product. 

SKU: N/A Category: Tag:

General instructions for attaching mounts to coro props, including zip tie hole alignment, can be found by clicking this link. 

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